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Where do I get the Bunny Trail map?
Once you've booked your place, you'll be sent the link to download a map and a crossword clue sheet. You'll need to print  
one out for each of your "little trailers".

Do you have a contingency plan if the weather is bad?
Obviously we're hoping for good weather but we have learnt from experience that our Trailers are not put off by the unpredictable British weather.  In short, add an Easter bonnet to your costume to keep the rain off you!

Do you have a contingency plan if we go into a local lockdown?

We will keep an eye on the lockdown situation.  If we have to cancel the event we will give full refunds up until 31st March.  Thereafter it will not be possible to refund as we will have spent all our money on chocolate!

What age group is the Bunny Trail aimed at?

We think it's fun to walk around the streets spotting bunnies at any age, but particularly if you're aged between about 4 - 10.  

Where does my £6 go?
It goes towards Paypal, domain name, printing, chokky eggs, a couple of beers for Ian (who one of us had to marry to get all the design work done) and hopefully there'll something left to pay for this fancy website!

Do I live too far out? 

This is a local event to Nether Edge (Sheffield) and Stroud Green (London).  If you would like to do your own Bunny Trail next year, send us a message and we can work together!

I have paid my fee via the website “book it” link.  What happens now?
Your fee will generate an email to Easter Bunny HQ and our dedicated team of graduate trainees (lol) will send you a link to download the map and crossword clue sheet.

My child has allergies to certain sweets

If you think there may be any problem with your child having a chocolate Easter egg, please buy them one you know they'll be ok with and give them that.

Can my child do the trail alone?
No.  Your child must be accompanied by a responsible adult.


I have a question that's not here, who should I contact?
Go to our 'contact us' page and send us a message.  We're pretty quick at responding but b
ear with us if we don't - this isn't our day job!

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